for Maryland's Future
Implementation Plan

For more information
The Blueprint Implementation Team held a a variety of input sessions, including Town Hall meetings through which our pillar leads provided an overview of the work to date and answered questions related to the pillar's requirements. Provide feedback through our Blueprint Community Engagement Survey.
The SMCPS Blueprint Implementation Team and Steering Committee developed its responses to address the Blueprint requirements in the SMCPS Blueprint Implementation Plan. This plan submitted to the Maryland State Department of Education the Accountability and Implementation Board (AIB) in two sections - in March 2024 and May 2024. Following feedback from both MSDE and AIB, SMCPS provided clarifications, which are included in the SMCPS Implementation Plan. The AIB approved the SMCPS plan on September 4, 2024.
Town Hall Meetings
For More information
2023-2024 Blueprint Town Hall Meetings
In implementing the requirements and reform initiatives associated with the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, St. Mary’s County Public Schools invites stakeholders to learn about each pillar of the Blueprint, its requirements, and its current status. As part of the Town Hall sessions, stakeholders will be able to ask questions of staff and provide input in responding to the opportunities and challenges associated with the implementation of the Blueprint.
Pillar 1: Early Childhood Tue, November 7
Pillar 4: Resources for Student Success Tue, December 5
Pillar 3: College & Career Readiness Thu, February 8
Pillar 2: Teachers & Leaders Tue, March 12
About The Maryland Blueprint
For more information
The Blueprint for Maryland's Future Act is a piece of legislation intended to enhance and improve the state and local investment in, and school system operation of, Maryland's public schools and each of the schools within the 24 local school systems. This 235-page bill contains the policy and funding recommendations of the Kirwan Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education.
House Bill 1300, the 235-page bill passed in 2020 was passed a second time in 2021 by overriding the Governor's 2020 veto. House Bill 1372 (a 45-page bill) was passed to update and complement the core legislation, House Bill 1300. In 2022, HB 1450 was passed extending timelines associated with the Blueprint.
policy areas
The Blueprint's requirements are delineated under five (5) policy areas, which are outlined in HB1300. Subsumed under each of these policy areas are requirements and legislated elements.