Key Activities
Identify local implementation coordinator
Implement 9th grade tracking system
Develop/implement program of study for students who don’t meet CCR
Reports (PreK, trauma training, tech) (Fall ‘21)
Local Implementation Plan (Jun ‘22)
Learning loss programs
Reports and Deliverables
Key Activities
Increased pre-K slots
Increase of NBCT salary
Expand behavioral health services
Implement program of study for students who don’t meet CCR
GT program for students who meet CCR early
Virtual school aligned to standards
Learning loss programs
Annual reports
Reports and Deliverables
SY23: Ensure PreK slots through local and private providers
SY23: Statewide KRA assessment for all incoming K
SY23: State and local shares of teacher increases distributed
SY23: CCR pathways implemented
SY23: Dual enrollment pathways implemented
SY23: Alignment of virtual programs w/ Nat'l standards
July 1, 2022: Salary increases for NBCT take effect
July 1, 2022: Submit Report evaluating hiring practices, diversity
Sept 1, 2022: Annual Report of 9th grade tracking
March 15, 2023: Submit Local Blueprint Implementation Plan
Key Activities
3 pathways for CCR students
10% salary increase
NBC salary increase
Career ladder implementation
Align teacher eval w/ NBCT
Reports and Deliverables
SY24: CTE alignment
June 30, 2024: SY25 teacher salaries +10% over 2019 baseline
Key Activities
Career ladder implementation
Align teacher eval w/ NBCT
Reports and Deliverables
July 1, 2024: Implementation of Career Ladders
July 1, 2024: Teacher evaluation aligned to NBCT
Key Activities
Reduction of teaching time based on career ladder
Placement of NBCT in low-performing school
Pre-service preparation changes take effect
Reports and Deliverables
July 1, 2025: Teacher practicum/internships - full year
July 1, 2025: Portfolio-based assessment of teachers for certification
June 30, 2026: New system of professional development
Key Activities
Starting salary minimum of $60K for teachers
Reports and Deliverables