1: Early Childhood
AIB Overview
The Commission’s final report under Policy Area 1: Early Childhood Education recommended the following:
A significant expansion of full-day prekindergarten (pre-K), to be free for all low-income 3‑ and 4‑year-olds and available to all other 4-year-olds with fees set at a sliding scale, so that all children have the opportunity to begin kindergarten ready to learn;
Public funding for both public-school based and community-based pre-K programs, with all providers receiving public funding required to meet rigorous quality standards;
A substantial increase in the supply of early childhood education teachers through tuition assistance and financial support for those pursuing credentials and degrees; and
An expansion of both Family Support Centers for pre- and post-natal support and Judy Centers for early childhood education and family support; and full funding of the Infants and Toddlers Program to identify early and provide supports to young children with disabilities.

AIB Implementation Timeline
SMCPS Implementation
Initiatives for 2023-2024:
Pre-Kindergarten expansion.
Professional Development for our Pre-Kindergarten staff and private providers
Parent/Family Engagement Workshops
Ongoing Initiatives for 2024-2025:
Implementation of full day Pre-Kindergarten for four year olds up to 300% of Federal Poverty Level with inclusion of Multilingual and Students with Disabilities up to 600%.
Professional Development for our Pre-Kindergarten staff and private providers
Support for coursework and certification of SMCPS Pre-K staff
Parent/Family Engagement and Provider Workshops
Pillar 1: Early Childhood Education
Overview Video
Pillar 1: Early Childhood
Town Hall Forum

Pillar 1: Early Childhood Education
Overview Flyer